What Happens If You Receive A Fail On Your Interlock Device?

interlock device

interlock deviceIt’s easy to be overwhelmed when you first receive a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction, and besides the potential for jail time and having to pay high fees, it’s losing your driver’s license that can be the most difficult step to adjust to. Not being able to drive your vehicle back and forth to work or drive your family places can make any day difficult, and that’s why the best first step you can take to getting behind the wheel and back on the road again is your ignition interlock device.

Once you have the interlock device installed and you’ve been driving awhile, you might wonder what happens if your interlock detects a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) above the preset-limit? Limits will vary according to the state, but sometimes even one glass of wine could be enough to register over the threshold.

When you are about to start your vehicle, you’ll be required to blow into your ignition interlock. If you register over the preset-limit, your vehicle will not start and you’ll be required to wait a few minutes. When that time has passed, you’ll be able to test again. If you pass, you can drive your vehicle as normal. If you are over the threshold again, you’ll have a longer time to wait between re-tests.

All states require rolling re-tests. While driving, the interlock will signal for a rolling retest where you have to submit a breath sample while driving. If you are able to start your vehicle normally but the rolling re-test indicates you are over the preset-limit, your vehicle’s alarm will go off and the lights will flash until you pull over and turn off the engine. Although the lights will flash and the alarm will sound, a failed rolling re-test will not automatically turn off a running vehicle.

Once you’re pulled over and have turned off the engine, you’ll be required to submit another breath test to start your vehicle again. If you’re tempted to have someone else perform your rolling re-test, think again – states have strict laws against anyone helping you perform interlock tests. In some states a camera is required in the vehicle, so it will record anyone who may attempt to do a rolling re-test for you and they could face fines and even jail time.

Guardian Interlock will send all information for tests performed, whether they are pass or fail, to the state. Penalties for driving with a blood alcohol concentration above the preset-limit will vary according to where you live, but you may receive an extension of the time you’re required to have the device installed as well as a longer driver’s license suspension.

If you’d like to make sure you never blow above the preset-limit of your interlock device, simply don’t get behind the wheel after drinking. That way both you and everyone on the road with you will stay safe during your drive.