The North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles offers a limited driving privileges license to eligible applicants who need to drive to work while their regular licenses are suspended or revoked.
North Carolina law requires that an ignition interlock device be installed for any offense where the BAC is 0.15 or higher, even for first offenses.
Steps to Obtaining a Restricted Driver’s License During Your Suspension:
- Serve any jail time and suspension time.
- Obtain proof that you have obtained a substance abuse assessment.
- Obtain DL 123 proof of insurance.
- Pay all fees and fines.
- This restricted license is good until the 30th day after you were charged with a DWI. Then your restricted license experience and you must pay the $50 restoration fee to have your regular driver’s license reinstated. Once reinstated, your license will be good unless revoked by a conviction in your trial.
- If your license is revoked at your trial, you will need to reapply for a restricted license and provide the same proofs as above.
- If your BAC was 0.15 or above, you will also need to have an ignition interlock device installed. Call an authorized ignition interlock provider and make an appointment to have an ignition interlock installed. They will verify your eligibility for an interlock. Once your interlock is installed, the installer will give you a certificate confirming the installation.
- Once you have your license, you will be required to bring in your vehicle to the interlock provider each month for the length of time you are required to have it.
Get started now. Call Toll-Free 1-800-521-4246