Life moves fast, people get busy, and in the rush of the day-to-day you can make snap decisions that turn out to be crazy decisions. Take drinking and driving for example: given the risk of a deadly crash, the fines, penalties, and suspension of your driver’s license, drunk driving is a crazy decision, yet it’s one thousands of people make every day. But what if, at the same time, you decided to drink, drive, and take topless Snapchat photos of yourself?
It turns out someone has already thought that this combo was a good idea, and that someone is a nineteen year old college student at Texas A&M. She crashed her SUV into an empty police squad car when she was taking the snap, and police arrived shortly after to arrest her.
When the officer showed up at the scene she was trying to put her top back on, she had an open bottle of wine in the vehicle, and there was an odor of alcohol in the car. She failed a sobriety test. She told an officer she had drunk at a friend’s house before she drove, and was sending her boyfriend a Snapchat while stopped at a red light.
In a case like this there are a host of charges to be laid, and despite the fact that most counties have cell phone ordinances of some kind, the fallout from her drunk drive and Snapchat moment wasn’t as harsh as it could have been. She received a driving while intoxicated (DWI) with an Open Container and a citation for Minor in Possession of Alcohol.
It’s up in the air what types of fines and penalties she’ll receive for drinking and driving, but hopefully her story will discourage people from trying to multitask to the degree of drinking and driving while Snapchatting topless.
The Friday Fallout: Every Friday Guardian Interlock brings you a unique drunk driving case that demonstrates the impact of – or fallout from – drunk driving.