Tag: Colorado
Colorado Has A Drinking Problem
When the state of Colorado legalized marijuana in 2013, they opened the door to the possibility of an increase in drug-related crashes, injuries, and deaths. But what they might not…
Man Sacrifices His Life To Stop Colorado Drunk Driver
Colorado alcohol-related fatalities may have dropped by 53% over the past 13 years, but there are still people killed on Colorado roads every year because someone made the choice to…
The Worst Outcome – Colorado Repeat Offender Causes Fatal Crash
There’s a reason why repeat drunk drivers receive harsh penalties – each time they get behind the wheel it becomes more and more likely they could injure or kill themselves…
If You Received A DUI Conviction In Colorado, You Better Read This
It’s a fact that repeat drunk drivers are a big problem in the United States. If you’ve watched how driving under the influence (DUI) laws have progressed over the past…
What Happens If I Fail An Interlock Device Breath Test In Colorado?
When it comes to ignition interlock devices, the state of Colorado has some of the toughest laws around. You’ll be required to install an ignition interlock device if you were…
How Much Booze Must You Drink To Overload a Breathalyzer?
When you’re out with friends, having a few drinks and having a good time, how do you know when to stop drinking? Most people who have drank alcohol before know…
Crashing In Colorado? An Ignition Interlock Will Be Waiting For You
Colorado has been popping up in the news a lot lately. The first state to legalize marijuana, there have been a lot of publications taking on the issue of driving…
Ignition Interlock And Drunk Driving Laws In Colorado
There’s a lot to do in Colorado if you’re looking for fun, fresh air, and the great outdoors, but the fun will end very abruptly if you’re caught drinking and…
License Suspension for DUI?
It Just. Doesn’t. Work.A Colorado study confirms the bad news: license suspension does not work as a punishment for DUI. The number of motorists cited for drunken driving who are driving without a…